Valencia College Careers in Industry
and Technology
HuntonBrady Architects recently collaborated with Valencia College in the design and construction of the new $12 million, 54,000 SF Careers in Industry Technology Building (CIT). The Associate of Science workforce degree program specializes in engineering technology, with courses in advanced manufacturing and supply chain automation.
The scope of the project included a mechatronics lab, classrooms, administrative offices, and a mock apartment unit for Valencia’s hospitality program.
The third floor of the building houses "Career Source Central Florida," a company whose vision is to curate local talent for high-demand industries, meeting local business needs and cultivating growth and prosperity for the Central Florida community. The building is designed to provide career seekers and businesses with skills training and educational programs, career coaching services, employee training and education, and assistance with screening and hiring talent. Together, the CIT Building creates a "One Stop Shop” for students to receive their education and find employment opportunities in one facility.
Kissimmee, Florida
54,000 SF
Architectural Services
Interior Design
Project Highlights
Mechatronics Lab
Administrative Offices
Mock Apartment